Moth Journals

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dead and Two-Timers

I'm talking about two different people here.

A friend of mine has recently been bugging me about certain exciting prospects available to him. He's never lacked for female attention and announced today that he was going to double up on girlfriends.

Having been through so much, I am not the type to judge. Hence all the voluntary confessionals from friends. They talk, I listen. Sometimes, I can't help myself and give my two cents. A very brief two cents. Which I always end with, "It's up to you. In the end, you will do what you will."

Which is true. People do not ask for advice on what to do. They simply want to hear what course of action they have already premeditated on. Validation, in short. Hence, they will keep asking for advice until they hear the words that they would like to come forth.

Not only do I think giving advice sometimes futile. It is also sometimes unnecessary. I will let my friend make his own mistake. It's the only way we learn, after all. And why keep under shelter during a rain? Get wet. Live life. Make your mistakes. And live life better.

But I did tell him it was bad karma. haha.

And about Dead? I realize, there are some things we cannot help. My heart will be buried with Dead.

Unless I find an older version of you Makoto-San. Dead is the night. And you are eternal sunshine.

Over Now^^

Over my difficult phase now.. thank God....

And poor M was the one to suffer. Fortunately, he went to Puerto Galera for a vacation. He was supposed to come back on a Saturday but ended up coming back on a Sunday. I was pretty proud of myself up till Saturday. But around Sunday evening, I was antsy and started getting claustrophobic. That's what happens when your unofficial shrink goes on a prolonged vacation. Flashes of Monk when HIS shrink went on vacation kept flitting into my head. ^^ He was a nervous wreck. By the time M came back, I was normal again and was ready to hug him from pure relief. huhuhu.... Security blanket.

Another reason for getting better. R IS BACK FROM OZ! Yes, after waiting all these months. My favorite BB instructor is back. I haven't seen him yet but talking to him on the phone, he is still the sweet, warm, thoughtful soul he was when he left. I am sure he is as yummy as ever. Yes, I'm raving. haha.... M and I have an ongoing debate whether he is bi or not. I am banking on the first. sigh... *sabay kagat labi* hahahaha....

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mothwabit on the Rampage!

Watch out!

The mothwabit is on the rampage. I already had a fight with Tae a few days back and with the original Wabit today. Sigh... this is one for the Moth Journals and not for here.

Got some updates but still pending the pics. See ya!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Holy Week 2007

For the most part of the Holy Week (and a few days before that), it seems that all I ever heard was excited chatter about going to Boracay, Palawan, or Puerto Galera. Nary a mention of abstinence, sacrifice, or Christ. Cheesy, I know. And the last thing you would expect from me.

I grew up with the nuns in my all-girls' school in the province. But going to church was never something my dysfunctional family did. Yet in the sweltering hot days of Holy Week, trapped as I was where I had to be, there was nothing else to do but let each Holy day roll past. If I close my eyes, I can see it very clearly. Dusty, deserted subdivision roads awash in yellow wavery heat with undulating voices of old crones permeating all frequencies. The minutes ticked by slowly and every minute of it, I wished I was somewhere else. Excitement was brought on by a religious movie on the few network stations there were at the time, or the passing of brown bodies dripping blood for penance.

But now that I have every convenience and luxury - my Internet and pc, cable, dvds, celfons, and a swimming party, I can't help but feel that something is wrong. And I can't help but think, some suffering IS good for the soul. Holy Week is the time to look inside of oneself and see that the path we have chosen is the path we can live with. It's a time to think, pray, and meditate.

And I hope that by the end of it, you and I have done a little bit of that...

Congratulations to my Sensei!

He's just been awarded Best Trainer in Fitness First, Fairview. Haha! I remember that day, I was on the treadmill and while I was doing my obligatory five minutes (gads i hate em treadmills), he proudly announces his news. Best Trainer! Yeah! And gasping, I turn to him and say, "So out of your 15 or so clients, you mean that I am one of the lucky people in this entire gym to be under your wing?"

Darn right you are, he agrees. And goes on to say that I'm his luckiEST client. HAHA!

But kidding aside, he is the best trainer in the Universe. He's got the right mix of know-how and empathy. Though how a 24-year old narcissistic, horny, yabang guy like him can muster genuine concern for his clients is amazing.

Again, Congrats, Sensei. And in your own words, RELAX!

Living it up!

It's only been a month since my last post but already, so many things have been happening. Just a quick review...

I've turned into an online shopping junkie!

Yes, dear reader. I who abhor consumerism. Who own the minimum pairs of shoes, jeans, and anything feminine (oh, and don't forget, nada make up) have been zeroing out my disposable cash with purchases from multiply and ebay. Where before I would have my nose buried in a book or in the latest online game or pumping iron in the gym, nowadays, I am exercising my fingers bidding online. There was that unforgettable Sunday with hazeru wherein I just went a little bit crazy with the bidding wars. And hazeru is no help. She'll egg you on when she's supposed to be telling you you're crazy. Six hours of bidding on ebay philippines while doing high-speed chatting on ym. Oh the glories of technology. Truly connecting us everywhere to everyone. Have pc, will network.^^

It's been so bad in fact that I've...

Started to build my Multiply account! Check out the mothwabit!

And to think I thought I was immune to these things. But the shopping. Oooh... let me cite some sites. Hmmm.. on second thought, give me a few days to come up with my list of top ten online multiply sites. For the meantime, check out Our Awesome Planet for some great online shopping sites on multiply.

Why mothwabit? Ahh... that's a very interesting story for another blog post... hihi...

And lastly, been living it up at the gym!

I promised to post pics of myself once I get some semblance of shape and I have! Hence, some pics coming up. Thanks to M! He's really gone over and beyond the call of duty. Poor guy. He's had to babysit whinerMe, spacecadetMe, and psychoMe.

And the Dream Team is alive alive alive!

Yes, I've been living it up! ^^