Moth Journals

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dead and Two-Timers

I'm talking about two different people here.

A friend of mine has recently been bugging me about certain exciting prospects available to him. He's never lacked for female attention and announced today that he was going to double up on girlfriends.

Having been through so much, I am not the type to judge. Hence all the voluntary confessionals from friends. They talk, I listen. Sometimes, I can't help myself and give my two cents. A very brief two cents. Which I always end with, "It's up to you. In the end, you will do what you will."

Which is true. People do not ask for advice on what to do. They simply want to hear what course of action they have already premeditated on. Validation, in short. Hence, they will keep asking for advice until they hear the words that they would like to come forth.

Not only do I think giving advice sometimes futile. It is also sometimes unnecessary. I will let my friend make his own mistake. It's the only way we learn, after all. And why keep under shelter during a rain? Get wet. Live life. Make your mistakes. And live life better.

But I did tell him it was bad karma. haha.

And about Dead? I realize, there are some things we cannot help. My heart will be buried with Dead.

Unless I find an older version of you Makoto-San. Dead is the night. And you are eternal sunshine.


Blogger Hazey said...

Hmm... Do I know this friend? Hehe. And who is Dead? It's so hard to follow when you speak in riddles.

11:39 PM  

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