Moth Journals

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Over Now^^

Over my difficult phase now.. thank God....

And poor M was the one to suffer. Fortunately, he went to Puerto Galera for a vacation. He was supposed to come back on a Saturday but ended up coming back on a Sunday. I was pretty proud of myself up till Saturday. But around Sunday evening, I was antsy and started getting claustrophobic. That's what happens when your unofficial shrink goes on a prolonged vacation. Flashes of Monk when HIS shrink went on vacation kept flitting into my head. ^^ He was a nervous wreck. By the time M came back, I was normal again and was ready to hug him from pure relief. huhuhu.... Security blanket.

Another reason for getting better. R IS BACK FROM OZ! Yes, after waiting all these months. My favorite BB instructor is back. I haven't seen him yet but talking to him on the phone, he is still the sweet, warm, thoughtful soul he was when he left. I am sure he is as yummy as ever. Yes, I'm raving. haha.... M and I have an ongoing debate whether he is bi or not. I am banking on the first. sigh... *sabay kagat labi* hahahaha....


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