Moth Journals

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Three-Legged Stools

This year finds me in relative happiness.
The shock.
Are we not, SELF, a citizen of perpetual sadness?
My waking consciousness is wreathed in temporal joy. I love Miel, my job, my boss, and two guests in the drama that I call my life - Tae and Biik.
It's a million happy MRT rides taking effect.
James, you never would let me alone with my sadness would you? I step into the train, poised to enter my own private hell but you pull me back with a violent jerk everytime. The bitter taste of yellow sand, undulating dunes, and isolation recedes. If I cry now in the train, it is only because of laughter.
And Angelgirl. You never knew when to quit. Endless texts of love and friendship. A hundred random acts of kindness. A secret bond between kin.
My walls break with a resounding crash that deafens for days. And when the confusion subsides, I discover Constancy and Friendship holding me up by both hands.
They are there when I am happiest.
They are there when I am saddest.
You are right, cuzin. This year might very well be a lesson in Unlearning.


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